Pixel Pond
Rumor has it there's lost treasure in these waters - fish, upgrade and dive deeper in your search for riches!
Music - JuliusH
Font - Zacchary Dempsey-Plante
Sprites - Shubibubi, CraftPix, Pop Shop Packs
Rumor has it there's lost treasure in these waters - fish, upgrade and dive deeper in your search for riches!
Music - JuliusH
Font - Zacchary Dempsey-Plante
Sprites - Shubibubi, CraftPix, Pop Shop Packs
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Finished the game at Day 16 😁 Pretty fun for a casual game. Not sure if you'll keep working on this but perhaps some special obstacles or fish to avoid while fishing could be interesting. Special random events too to give a unique experience every now and then.
Another thing I noticed is that I found myself not using the inventory that much, might be a redundant feature because the game would already stop you from fishing if your inventory is full. Aside from that, still a cool small game!
Glad you enjoyed it 😁 I know what you mean about the inventory, mainly added it for my own learning!
Ah understandable! Yeah I've made an inventory system before too, a bit difficult for me but super satisfying when I was finally able to make it 🤣
game doesnt fit the screen (using firefox, windows 10)
That's weird, it seems to work okay for me with that setup. I'll take a look into it!
Nevermind, this seems to have been caused due to my computer'sscaling settings
("change siz of texts, apps..." set to 175%).
"fixeed" it be going into firefox, pressing control and - a few times so screen size is 67% of the original.
other thing:
I jsut cant find the fish in the second row, third cloumn! (between clownfish and cowfish)
I already beat the game, think I already got every fish but that one, I jsut cant get.
or I did fush it and it didnt get recognized, I dont know
Ah that makes sense!
Looks like the one you're missing is the cod (first yellow fish right at the top).
Just like your previous game "Lemonade Stand," the game's concept is very creative, however, this time I don't think the game could become a mobile game, as it seems better suited as a web-based game.
The game presents a rather interesting concept for a web-based game that manages to entertain and relax the player. Despite its somewhat repetitive nature, the fact that you encounter different aquatic animals each time keeps you engaged, mitigating the sense of repetition.
However, I did identify a drawback concerning the implementation of the fishing net upgrade. It appears counterproductive to increase its efficiency since a higher capture rate of lower-value surface fish occurs as a result. Hence, it seems more advantageous to maintain the net upgrade at level 3 and focus on capturing the deeper-water fish. From my perspective, a more appropriate way to implement the net upgrade would be to limit the number of times you can cast the fishing hook into the water, which would provide a more meaningful incentive to upgrade the net.
Another observation I made pertains to the user interface. When opening the inventory and then accessing the collection, the inventory remains open behind the collection screen.
Despite these minor issues, the game is quite enjoyable. It manages to hold the player's interest, and the music selection complements the gameplay effectively, so, overall, good job!.
Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated!